Retired CPA and Commercial Finance Executive
Homes near Minneapolis and Fort Myers
BA Accounting and Economics and also MBA 
from the University of Minnesota

Hobby: Public Policy and Politics and Golf

We should work together. Shoot me a message today!

The boss and me on a cruise!

Following is a DIRECT FEED of my recent TWEETS!



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follow me on TWITTER at: @BakkeSteve

Read my latest report: Anchor babies: Is that what Congress intended? Click HERE for a direct link. 

About Me

Quick Facts

Steve Comments on the Issues!

In recent years I retired from a career that included being a practicing CPA and later President of two commercial finance companies. I am also a Past-Chairman of the international trade organization, Commercial Finance Association. When I retired, I decided to develop my love of learning into a hobby. While working and raising a family, there just wasn't the time for me to develop anything more than intuitive opinions about important current topics and political issues.

So, quite naturally during retirement, this interest developed into a fair amount of research and reading about important societal, international, and political issues. While this process helped me to more fully develop my opinions, I realized that I didn't actually finish learning until I could summarize and write down my conclusions. A few people asked to read some of my opinions. Then a few others showed interest. And soon there was a group of interested (mostly) readers.

I love doing this, so I have created this website as a storehouse of all I have written during the past few years. Some things (not many) get published in national publications. My ideas and opinions come from a conservative perspective. Whether my readers agree or disagree, my goal is that they at least understand my position on the various topics.

The best way to describe my process is to say that sometime I gather others' opinions and add some of my ideas; and other times I gather others' ideas and add some of my opinions.

I believe I have something worthwhile to share. If you consider my opinions worthy, feel free to copy and forward any article to others, or to politicians you may wish to influence. Or, you are welcome to any of my ideas for use in your own opinions, letters, or reports.


Steve Bakke, MBA and CPA (Not in Practice)


Check out my entire collection of thought provoking commentary. There are over 800 separate reports and articles available! Select and click on the "subject" tabs at the top of the page.

That's me wishing farewell and good  luck to my former research assistant!.

​​​​​​​​​My name isSTEVE BAKKEand I'm dedicated to understanding public policy and politics. Check out "About Me" below.

According to my Grandson: "Grandpa, you're trying to save the world, ONE PARAGRAPH AT A TIME!" To which I say: "I guess he's right!"

The "late, great" Baxter the Beagle! - A wonderful research assistant!