To access any report, simply CLICK on the report title!

portunity to develop and present Bible studies which are also included here. You will also find "special topics," "short topics," and random thoughts from a wandering, but inquisitive, mind. My most recent postings appear first on the list.

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay took their comments to the people in The Federalist Papers.

566 - Benediction on Christmas Eve - 12-25-24

565 - Never Again: Israel's fight for survival - 10-3-24

​564 - Challenging elections: a bipartisan habit - 2-4-23

563 - Wishing you a Blessed Christmas 2023 - 12-24-23

562 - Culture wars are short on common sense - 6-11-23

561 - A different solution for the debt ceiling wars - 5-25-23

​560 - Billionaires and their fair share - 4-29-23

559 - Nuclear energy: the long-term answer - 3-26-23

558 - Biology and physiology: neither arbitrary nor abstract - 3-11-23

557 - Reducing the angst but keeping the problem - 1-16-23

556 - Words - a deteriorating communication tool - 11-27-22

555 - Roe reversal: not a descent into theocracy - 7-17-22

554 - Gun and abortion rulings: an important distinction - 6-26-22

553 - Terrorism will follow us home - 9-10-21

552 - Biden invites U.N. to investigate racism in the U.S. - 8-18-21

551 - Right to vote and election integrity: both are sacred - 8-17-21

550 - Filibuster - common sense advice from our president - 6-30-21

549 - CRT - enemy of "objectivity" - 6-29-21

548 - "Critical thinking" will be missed" - 6-25-21

547 - Right to vote is sacred, and so is election integrity - 5-14-21

546 - Voter ID: a reasonable requirement - 5-14-21

545 - Stimulus plan - vengeance and payback rule the day - 2-16-21

544 - Time to recognize those shop owners' lonely terror - 2-14-21

543 - Stimulus plan - my way, or the highway - 2-3-21

542 - End the Minneapolis Police Department! Are you serious? (Yes, your are!) - 12-26-20

541 - Electoral College and the three-fifths compromise - 12-21-20

540 - Electoral College is still relevant - 12-20-20

539 - Pounding the Nazi Hammer - 11-19-20

538 - Republicans and moderate democrats have a common interest - 11-15-20

537 - Electoral College Confusion - 11-8-20

536 - Twisted logic of "Never Trumpers" - 10-31-20

535 - Walking back support for the wrong civil rights champion - 10-15-20

534 - Peace in the Middle East: follow a path through freedom - 10-14-20

533 - Lowest common denominator: should it apply to pandemic education? - 10-12-20

532 - Collegiality and the Supreme Court selection process - 9-21-20

531 - A worthy cause will add, not subtract - 9-17-20

530 - Gaslighting is destructive and divisive - 9-12-20

529 - No perfect solutions, only trade-offs - 9-6-20

528 - Something has changed - 9-1-20

527 - Ignore the messenger , but embrace the message - 9-1- 20

526 - Statues and cops: contradictions and questions - 7-12-20

525 - Control the past and you'll control the future - 7-12-20

524 - Let's Return to Legislative Solutions - 3-16-20

523 - Russian Assets Everywhere! - 3-15-20

522 - Whose Economy Is It? - 2-19-20

521 - How About Turkey? - 2-14-20 

520 - The U.S. is Moving to the Right? Since When? - 2-12-200

519 - What Happened to the Vindmans? - 2-12-20

518 - Republican Senators: Conflict of Interest? - 2-9-20

517 - Obama vs. Trump: A Dramatic Comparison - 1-15-20

516 - Tough Keeping a Straight Face - 1-12-20

515 - Impeachment: A Legal and Political Mish-mash - 12-27-19

514 - Impeachment Hearings Simplified - 12-26-19

513 - It's Been a Good Week, Indeed! - 12-14-19 

512 - Explaining Support for Trump: Unacceptable Alternatives - 12-8-19

511 - Ambassador Sondland Didn't Say That! - 12-3-19

510 - Fiona Hill: Misleads on Republicans and Russ - 12-2-19

509 - The Constitution and Executive Privilege - 11-30-19

508 - What is Obstruction of Congress? - 11-24-19

507 - Progress on Dumping Trump? That Depends - 11-22-19

506 - Worldwide Health Care Rankings: Things You Should Know - 11-18-19

505 - Executive Privilege - or is it - Obstruction of Congress

504 - Reality vs. Parody: The Edges are Getting Fuzzy - 11-4-19

503 - Politics: Hypocrisy at its Ugliest - 11-3-19

502 - Decision Time: What Should I Throw Under the Bus? - 9-28-19

501 - Vaping, Mass Murders, and Abortions - 9-20-19

500 - Mental Illness and Mass Gun Violence - 9-19-19

499 - Imagine a Rebellious Student Writing a Murder Fantasy - 9-11-19

498 - Why Aren't Politicians Reducing the National Debt? - 9-9-19

497 - Hypocrisy? Or Just Poor Research - 9-3-19

496 - Conflicted Souls Confuse the Poles - 9-1-19

495 - Murder She Wrote - 8-27-19

494 - I Repeat: Be Smart about Gun Controls - 8-26-19

493 - The Border: Words of Wisdom - 8-7-19

492 -  Guns: Stop, Look, and Listen! (But I repeat myself) - 8-6-19

491 - Mueller Testimony: Empty and Painful - 7-24-19

490 - Poll: One-Third of Democrats Think Criticizing Persons of Color is Racism - 7-23-19

489 - Trump, The Squad, and Racism - 7-20-19

488 - The President Ignored Court Orders and Constitutional Authority - 7-12-19

487 - Senators Supporting the President - A Nice "Change of Pace" - 7-9-19

486 - Living in Poverty: Sorting Through Political Lies-7-5-19

485 - Reparations - 6-29-19

484 - Some Things to Ponder - 6-24-19

483 - Stephanopoulos Interviews Trump - Filling in the Blanks - 6-22-19

482 - Repealing Trump Tax Cuts......Are You Sure You Want To? - 6-16-19

481 - Mueller and His Report: Some Things Don't Make Sense - 6-5-19

480 - Circular Firing Squad - 6-4-19

479 - Those are Impeachable Offenses ...... Aren't They? - 5-27-19

478 - Slicing and Dicing America - 5-24-19

477 - Testosterone and All that Kinda' Stuff - 5-10-19

476 - What Really Matters? Well ... That Depends - 5-5-19

475 - Co-Equal Branches Get to "Beat on Each Other" - 4-30-19

474 - Partners in Outrage: Trump and Kavanaugh - 4-29-19

473 - Gender Identity Legislation: It's Too Soon! - 4-25-19

472 - That Evil Thing Called Profit - 4-22-19 

471 - Trump's Charlottesville Comments: Here's the Truth - 4-6-19

470 - It's Not About Satire - 4-5-19

469 - Just Wondering - 4-4-19

468 - Forcing Politics and Economics into Neat Little Boxes - Don't - 4-1-19

467 - Green New Deal - Investment Spending vs. Operating Expense: A Phony Claim - 3-31-19

466 - Violence: Is Intolerance Really the Cause? - 3-28-19

465 - An Upside-Down  World - 3-19-19

464 - Who's Pregnant? - 3-17-19

463 - No Solutions, Only Trade-Offs - 3-16-19

462 - Abortion vs. Blackface - 2-11-19

461 - International Agreements: Difficulty Enduring - 2-3-19

460 - Shutdown - So ...... Who's to Blame? -1-29-19

459 - Is CO2 Actually Filthy? - 1-28-19

458 - Immigration Control: Sometimes It's a Catch-22

457 - Does Brexit Mean Withdrawing from the World? - 1-22-19

456 - Stop or Chase - A Choice - 1-21-19

455 - Social Justice and Equality: A Mixed Bag of Opinions - 1-18-19

454 - Total Equality and Liberty are Not Compatible - 1-14-19

453 - Migrant Border Deaths: Tragic, but Nothing New - 12-28-18

452 - D.J. Tice on Inequality: Writers Miss the Point - 12-26-18

451 - Does General Mattis Have Trouble with Presidents - 12-25-18

450 - Saudi Arabia: the Apparent Moral Choice May Not be Moral - 12-24-18

449 - Arguing About a Wall 12-17-18

448 - Death Penalty vs. Elective Abortion: Let's Compare the Concern-12-15-18

447 - Carbon Emissions: Can the U.S. Claim Progress? 12-6-18

446 - Saudi Arabia: It's a Tough Call - What Would You Do? - 12-12-18

445 - Migrants at the Gate: What Would You Do? 12-10-18

​444 - Acting Attorney General Whitaker: His Ideas are Anything but Extreme - 11-9-18

443 - Countries Offering Birthright Citizenship - 11-6-18

442 - Birthright Citizenship: Trump is Forcing the Issue - 11-5-18

441 - Exactly! States Should Be Laboratories of Democracy! - 10-24-18

440 - The Power of the Pen - 10-23-18

439 - The Senate Made the Right Decision - It's That Simple - 10-12-18

438 - Justice System: At an Important Crossroad! - 9-23-18

437 - Obama Isn't Held to an Accuracy Standard - 9-19-18

436 - Puerto and Hurricane Maria's Death Statistics - 9-17-18

435 - Has Roe v. Wade Been a Major Force Behind Our Prosperity? - 8-25-18

434 - The Unborn: More Than Just a Cluster of Cells - 8-23-18

433 - International Healthcare Reports Aren't "Studies" at All! - 8-22-18

432 - Murder is Personal, But Crime Prevention Isn't - 8-26-18

431 - Security Clearances and a Guy on the Edge 8-21-18

430 - Random Thoughts While Shaving 8-15-18

429 - Trump's Carrots and Sticks Tend to Confuse 7-30-18

428 - Politicizing the Supreme Court - 7-20-18

427 - Broad Scrutiny of Kavanaugh? I Doubt It! - 7-15-18

426 - Morality Standards: Should Individuals Invent Their Own? - 7-9-18

425 - Office of President: Reclaiming Lost Power? - 7-2-18

424 - The Gotcha' Game - 6-25-18

423 - Forced Equivalencies Require Tortured Reasoning - 6-24-18

422 - Why Can't We Just "Talk About It"? 5-24-18

421 - Negotiating Style - 5-24-18

420 - Yes! Focus on Gun Violence in Schools - 5-21-18

419 - Dueling Political Cartoons - 5-22-18

418 - Israel: Fighting for Survival, Not Public Opinion - 5-23-18

417 - Full-Blown Hatred and Racism: Has Leonard Pitts Finally arrived? - 5-16-18

416 - Why Work? - 5-8-18

415 - Unbalanced Reporting 4-22-18

414 - Knowledge and Governance Problems - 4-16-18

413 - Open Borders: Does Hillary Deserve a "Do-over"? - 4-15-18

412 - An Ideologue is Always the Other Dude! - 4-14-18

411 - Making Planned Parenthood Legal - 3-25-18

410 - Don't Let the Kids Down Once Again! - 3-16-18

409 - Pro-life and Pro-choice: The Line Between Them Isn't That Fuzzy! - 3-15-18

408 - "Slicing and Dicing" the School Security Issue - 3-14-18

407 - Leonard Pitts Demonstrates Hatred and Disdain - 3-11-18

406 - Segregation Then - Now It's Enforced Separation ...... What's the Difference - 3-10-18

405 - Sheriff Stanek: Tough Spot or Right Spot? - 3-10-18

404 - NRA: Dollars Invested in Politics - Some Facts - 3-2-18

403 - Use Planned Parenthood Funds for School Security! - 3-1-18

402 - When Fetuses Become Disposable Body Parts! - 2-22-18

401 - Be Careful when Praising Cuba's Healthcare Statistics! - 2-20-18

400 - Clashes with Martin Luther King's Legacy - Progressives Guilty Too! - 2-9-18

399 - Respect for Life - 2-1-18

398 - A Bi-Partisan Agreement to Be Partisan - The "Blue-Slip" Process! - 1-25-18

397 - Blame for Shutdown - Lots of Misleading Information! - 1-16-18

396 - Government Shutdown: Who's to Blame? 1-20-18

395 - Should Earmarks Be Reconsidered? - 1-15-18

394 - DACA: Keystone for a BI-Partisan Agreement - 1-12-18

393 - Be Sure to Read the Fine Print! - 1-11-18

392 - Tax Reform Makes the Tax System Even More Progressive! - 1-1-18

391 - Religion Professor in the Depth of Despair - 12-30-17

390 - Healthcare Coverage: Could It Really Be This Simple? - 12-29-17

389 - Kennedy and Reagan Tax Reductions - Frequently Misrepresented - 12-25-17

388 - Le'ts Also Worry About Fetal Deaths - 12-23-17

387 - United Nations: A Victim of Intimidation? - 12-22-17

386 - Democrats Use Spin to Confuse Us - 12-20-17

385a - Christmas 2017: Wonderful Music......and More - 12-23-17

385 - $1 Trillion; $20 Trillion; or How About $ 120 Trillion ? 12-16-17

384 - Essential Women's Health Care? Are You Serious? - 12-15-17

383 - Donald Trump: Policy and Behavior Collide - 12-14-17

382 - Sanctuary Cities: Good Intentions Gone Astray? - 12-7-17

381 - Federal Tax Deductions for State Taxes: A New Controversy - 12-5-17

380 - Tax Reform: Tough, but Possible to Favor the Middle Class! - 12-4-17

379 - Impact of Tax Reform - Why Such Contradictory Projections? - 11-23-17

378 - Some Numbers to Ponder - 11-18-17

377 - Guns and Violence: More than a "Rules and Regulations" Problem! - 11-14-17

376 - Guns and Abortion: Life and Death Issues - 10-19-17

375 - Gun Violence: All Things Must Be Considered! - 10-17-17

374 - Edina Schools: Social Justice and Academic Excellence - Are They Competing Forces? - 10-12-17

373 - Single-Payer - A Business Advantage? You Can't Be Serious! - 9-28-17

372 - Creepy Obsession? - 9-28-17

371 - Which Point Are We Missing? - 9-27-17

370 - Trump and the White Supremacy Claim - 9-16-17

369 - My Credit Score: Now I Understand! 9-14-17

368 - DACA: Trump and Obama - Strange Bedfellows - 9-8-17

367 - Admiration, along with Lots of Disappointment! - 9-4-17

366 - Don't Change My Message! - 9-3-17

365 - Didn't You Say: "Silence is Consent"? - 9-1-17

364 - Maybe She Should Look in a Mirror! - 8-24-17

363 - Civil Rights Act of 1964: Don't Be Misled! - 8-22-17

362 - It Depends on Whose Legend is Being Gored: Lee, Wilson, Jefferson...Not Sanger - 8-15-17

361 - Conservatives Aren't Blind! - 8-6-17

360 - Cost Sharing Is Not Cost Reduction! - 7-31-17

359 - Did Congressional GOP Leadership Let Us Down? - 7-31-17

358 - I've Been Personally Ridiculed - AGAIN! - 7-31-17

357 - Why Focus on Repeal and Replace? - 7-29-17

356 - I've Been Personally Ridiculed! - 7-28-17

355 - Understanding Trump Supporters - 7-17-17

354 - Be Careful When Relying on the World Health Organization Healthcare Rankings! - 7-14-17

353 - Trump's Warsaw Speech: Perhaps a First Look at a Trump Doctrine? - 7-12-17

352 - Christ-Like? ...... Since You Brought It Up ...... - 7-9-17

351 - Healthcare: The Single-Payer Controversy - 7-6-17

350 - Is Healthcare a Right ...... or Just a Good Thing? - 7-6-17

349 - Chief Justice John Roberts, Obamacare, and Closed Doors - 6-21-17

348 - Special Prosecutor Mueller: A Conflict of Interest? There's Good Reason to Ask the Question! - 6-21-17

347 - Global Warming: Make Sure You Put Out the Right Fire! - 6-20-17

346 - Repeal and Replace vs. Fix ...... Who Cares? - 6-16-17

345 - Paris Climate Accord: Why Both the Left and Right Should Want Out! - 6-2-17

344 - Sadly, Wishful Thinking Won't Conquer Massive Problems! - 5-26-17

343 - Welfare vs. Military Spending: Please Check Your Math! - 5-19-17

342 - Comey Became the "Story"! He Had to Go! - 5-11-17

341 - Republic; Electoral College Failure; Hillary; Ourtrage...Get Your Facts Straight! - 5-5-17

340 - Polarizing the Process with Spin and Nuance: No Wonder There's a Bitter Divide - 4-28-17

339 - Secrecy? It's Tough to Surpass the King of Secrecy ...... Barack Obama! - 4-24-17

338 - Bill O'Reilly Exits: Free Market Forces Working Together for Good! - 4-21-17

337 - Can a Businessman Run the U.S. Government? - 4-15-17

336 - Gorsuch and Citizens United - Some People are Making Foolish Predictions - 4-14-17

335 - Opposition to Vouchers - Please Make Liberal Arguments Consistent! - 4-11-17

334 - Blocking Supreme Court Nominees - Some History!

333 - E Pluribus Unum - Assimilation Isn't Subordination!

332 - Racial Blindness? Or Not? It's a Bit Confusing! - 3-7-17

331 - Professors and Indoctrination: You are Proof of the Accusations! - 2-25-17

330 - Voter Id Requirements: It's All About Partisanship! - 2-23-17

329 - Is the Press the Enemy? Kinda' Not Really ... Sorta'! - 2-22-17

328 - Immigration Law Non-Enforcement: A Convenient Excuse! - 2-22-17

327 - Healthcare Reform - Repeal and Replace ... or Just Fix: A Distinction Without a Difference - 2-17-17

326 - General Flynn's Transgressions - Democrats Do It Too! - 2-16-17

325 - Travel Restrictions: Give Us the Entire Story! - 2-7-17

324 - Start with Social Justice if You Must ... But Don't Think So Narrowly! - 2-5-17

323 - The Age of Nuanced Governance is Over - 2-3-17

322 - Abortion: We Are Missing the Real Issue! - 1-30-17

321 - Trump's Appointees: The Best News of the New Year! - 1-19-17

320 - Conflict of Interest: What Does That Mean? - 1-16-17

319 - "Stand Your Ground" vs. Sanctity of Life

318 - Healthcare Costs and Bankruptcy - Let's Be Honest!

317 - Trump and Carrier: You Missed My Point!

316 - Political Correctness Can Crowd Out Objective Analysis - It Hides Answers and Delays Solutions! - 1-2-17

315 - Don't Crowd Out Resistance to Evil! 12-27-16

314 - The Climate Change Debate: That Mysterious and Elusive 97% - 12-26-16

313 - Is This and Examploe of Biased Reporting? - 12-24-16

312 - Self=Righteousness Galore! - 12-20-16

311 - Believing That Government Is the Best Answer for Everything! -12-20-16

310 - Those Pesky Pro-Lifers: Self Righteous or Sincere?

309 - Leonard Pitts Is Now Part of the Problem! - 12-8-16

308 - Sharp Presidential Elbows! Or the Art of the Deal? - 12-5-16

307 - Politics and Deception - 12-4-16

306 - Abolish the Electoral College? Why? Are You a Bad Loser? - 11-30-16

305 - You Asked Me: What Would Jesus Say about Donald Trump? - 11-29-16

304 - Eliminate the Electoral College: There's a Movement Afoot - But Get the Facts Straight! - 11-30-16

303 - Spiraling into a "Harry Potter-like" Fantasy! - 11-28-16

302 - Multinational Agreements: Forcing Square Pegs into Round Holes! - 11-26-16

301 - What Happened to the Oil? - 11-25-16

300 - Whiplash! The Political Tide Turns! - 11-12-16

299 - Leonard Pitts and His Anger Management Problem! - 11-6-16

298 - Better Bold than Blind! - 10-31-16

297 - FBI's Comey: Walking a Tightrope! - 10-29-16

296 - John R. Lott,Jr. - Guns and Crime Researcher, Has Some Good Advise! - 10-4-16

295 - Bjorn Lomborg: An Opportunity to Find Common Ground in the Climate Debate! - 9-27-16

294 - Citizens United: Debate Produces Clarity and Understanding! - 9-25-16

293 - We Must Be Concerned with Terrorism - 9-23-16

292 - Multiple Answers for Supporters of Colin Kaepernick - 9-18-16

291 - Check Your Facts and Assertions! Please! - 9-16-16

290 - Evaluating ObamaCare: They Keep Moving the Goalpost! - 9/16/16

289 - Economic News: Why Must We Dig for the Truth? - 9-15-16

288 - Climate Change: Important Questions Remain! - 9-15-16

287 - Unhelpful Hyperbole and False Equivalencies! - 9-10-16

286 - Minneapolis and the $15 Minimum Wage! Be Careful What You Wish For! - 9-3-16

285 - You Really Have No Clue! - 8-30-16

284 - Fanning the Flames of Political Correctness! An "UFF DA!" Moment! - 8-21-16

283 - If You Repeat a Lie Often Enough...... - 8-18-16

282 - Woe is Me! - 8-6-16

281 - Who Is Spouting "The Same Old Platitudes Over and Over and Over Again"?

280 - That Seems Kinda' Foolish!

279 - "It Is the Most Surprising Result of My Career!"

278 - Minimum Wage Increase: You're Missing the Point About Why It's Not a Great Idea!

277 - Are You Sure You Want to Redraft the Constitution - 6-25-16

276 - Leonard Pitts Sees a Modern Day Hitler Right Here in America - 6-23-16

275 - Orlando ...... Incidentally! - 6-21-16

274 - Terrorist Gun Purchases - What is the NRA's Position? - 6-20-16

273 - Orlando Massacre: Is It Criminal Activity, Mental Illness, or Islamic Terrorism? - 6-13-16

272 - Dispense with the Lies about Hatred! - 6-12-16

271 - Opposing Voter ID - It's a Pretend Issue! - 6-11-16

270 - Interacting with Police: Just Trying to Avoid Some Broken Bones! - 6-9-16

269 - Free-Market Health Care System, YES! Government Control and Rationing, NO! - 5-26-16

268 - Inequality: Important Policy Decisions Require Accurate, Complete, and Balanced Information! - 5-20-16

267 - Got a Slippery Slope? Call in the Laboratories of Democracy! - 5-4-16

266 - What is "Life"? Welcome to the Abortion Debate! - 5-4-16
265 - The Gender/Restroom Debate: Tangled Up in Its Underwear! - 5-3-16
264 - The Twain Shall Never Meet (It Seems)! - 4-26-16
263 - Don't Be Dismissive in the Gender/Restroom Debate! That Won't Advance the Ball!
262 - That's Perfectly Awesome!
261 - Behold! The Era of "Potty Politics" is Upon Us! (And I never saw it coming!)
260 - The Abortion Debate: Maybe You Are Missing the Point!
259 - Bernie Sanders and Democratic Socialism - That's Not What America Is About!
258 - Are Inequality and Capital Gains Taxes Really the Issue?
257 - When Citizens' Rights Are in Conflict, Accommodation Is an Answer!
256 - Gender Bias? You've Got to Be Kidding!
255 - An Argument Ruined by Attention to the Facts!
254 - Are Corporations Bad? Only Under Certain Conditions, So Don't Be Fooled!
253 - Fear of Terrorism: You Say It's Just a Matter of Perspective...... Have You Suspended Consciousness?
252 - Let's Wipe Out Naïve Statements about Social Security!
251 - Addressing Violence: Are We Grasping at Straws?
250 - Unalienable Rights: The Times They Are A'Changin'!
249 - The 17th Amendment: Was Direct Election of United States Senators a Good Idea?
248 - Opposition to the Electoral College: Is It a Solution in Search of a Problem?
247 - Healthcare in the U.S.: Be Careful What You Proclaim and What You Wish For!
246 - Corporate "Personhood": Not a New Concept - Citizens United Was Merely a Reminder!
245 - A Sign of Unyielding Ideology! - 2-29-16
244 - Mistakes Become Integrity Issues; Integrity Issues magically Become Mistakes! - 2-26-16
243 - Supreme Court Shenanigans: Why aren't we hearing the whole story? - 2-25-16
242 - Discouraging Late Term Supreme Court Nominations: Who Set the Precedent? - 2-19-16
241 - Those Pesky Small States are Just Too Powerful! (Our Founders Faced a Similar Dilemma!) - 2-17-16
240 - Supreme Court Nomination Battle: Look for the Hypocrites! - 2-15-16
239 - Obama Battles Partisanship and Rancor? Surely You Jest! - 2-11-16
238 - Renewable Energy; Nuclear Energy; Base Load Energy; What Does It All Mean? - 2-8-16
237 - Limited Government: What Does That Mean? - 2-8-16
236 - Gridlock: Did Our Founders Provide for It ...... on Purpose? - 2-6-16
235 - An Auditor of Government Shouldn't be Tainted by Politics! - 2-5-16
234 - Flint Michigan's Water Crisis: Once Again, a Lack of Facts! - 2-3-16
233 - Gun Violence: Why Must We Grasp at Straws? - 1-29-16
232 - A Short Journey Down the Road to Confusion! - 1-22-16
231 - Global Warming: Making Wise Decisions is Imperative! 1-21-16
230 - Executive Orders: A Little Fact-Checking is in Order! - 1-15-16
229 - Obama: Done Much! Achieved Little! - 1-15-16
228 - Medical Device Tax: Misguided from the Start! - 1-14-16
227 - Is "Phobia" Really the Correct Term?
226 - Contempt Breeds Contempt!
225 - Universal HealthCare and "Single Payer": Canada and Other Places
224 - Universal HealthCare and "Single Payer": Why Don't We Want Them?
223 - Universal HealthCare: More Questions for Me to Answer!
222 - Climate Accords: It's All about International Wealth Redistribution!
221 - Universal Healthcare: It's Not Me Who's Missing the Point!
220 - Universal Healthcare: It's Not the Answer to Rising Prices!
219 - War on Terror, Mental Illness Induced Violence, and Gun Control - ALL SEPARATE ISSUES! - 12-12-15
218 - Reducing Firearm Deaths: Do We Need to Look in a Different Direction? - 12-8-15
217 - Reducing Overall Deaths by Firearms - Are We Working with Accurate Facts? - 12-7-15
216 - The Founders Knew the Meaning of "Militia" - But What Does "Well Regulated" Mean - 12-6-15
215 - "Well Regulated Militia" - What Does That Mean? - 12-3-15
214 - Obamacare, UnitedHealth Group ...... We Told You So! - 12-2-15
213 - The Fort Myers News-Press: Unfair and unbalanced? Take another look! - 12-2-15
212 - Financial Obligations, Debt, and Budgeting are "Joined at the Hip!" - 12-1-15
211 - Deterrence is Important! This Isn't Just About Firing a Weapon in Self-Defense! - 11-27-15
210 - Social Security Reform: We Have No Choice! - 10-29-15
209 - It's All about Me! (A Values Lesson?) - 10-26--15
208 - Gun Violence: Are We Just Doing the Obvious? - 10-23-15
207 - Drinking the Debt Ceiling Kool-Aid! - 10-22-15
206 - A Pop Tart, A Finger, and a Clock! - 10-15-15
205 - Debt Ceiling, Budget, and Deficit - They Can't be Considered Separate Issues! - 10-13-15
204 - ObamaCare: Oh! What Might Have Been! - 9-24-15
203 - Planned Parenthood: It's Not the "Defunders" Who are Missing a Critical Point! - 9-26-15
202 - Hypocrisy ? OK! Let's Talk about Hypocrisy! - 9-25-15
201 - Leonard Pitts: Cowardice, A Pop Tart, and a Clock - 9-25-15
200 - Republican Presidential Choices: How Will it Happen? - 9-22-15
199 - Ben Carson and the Issue of  Having a Muslim President - 9-22-15
198 - Trigger Warnings and Micro-aggressions: Critical Thinking or Manipulation - 9-10-15
197 - It's Not the E-mail Account ...... It's the Server! - 9-8-15
196 - Tice Missed an Important Point about the Minimum Wage! - 9-1-15
195 - It Depends on Whose "Legend" is Being "Gored": Updated and Improved! - 8-31-15
194 - Outsourcing the Security of the United States! - 8-24-15
193 - The Planned Parenthood Debate: It's Not Really about "Ill-Gotten" Gain - That's Just for Dramatic Effect! - 8-23-15
192 - It Depends on Whose "Legend" is Being "Gored" (General Lee vs. Margaret Sanger)! - 8-21-15
191 - Are You Really Happy with Obamacare? - 8-13-15
190 - The StarTribune Makes a Case Supporting Planned Parenthood! - 8-10-15
189 - Fetal Research - We aren't even arguing about the same thing! - 8-2-15
188 - Freedom of Religion and Equal Protection - Inherent Conflicts Do Exist! - 7-30-15
187 - Evaluating Planned Parenthood: Don't Scoff at a Sincere Framework of Morality! - 7-28-15
186 - What's so Great about Australian Gun Laws? - 7-24-15
185 - Widening Wealth Gap Re: CEO pay - proper action requires proper context! - 7-19-15
184 - Are Those Pesky "Pro-Lifers" Sincere? And, What if They Are Right? - 7-17-15
183 - Gridlock in Washington DC: You say it's due to "Tribalism"?...Cute! But no Cigar! - 7-14-15
182 - E.J. Dionne Writes: Cooperating with Republicans Would be Absurd! - 7-14-15
181 - Alternative Energy: Be Careful What You Demand! - 7-12-15
180 - Sustainability Deserves Scrutiny and Examination! - 7-9-15
179 - Children in Poverty: UNICEF measurements lead to confusion and bad policies! - 7-5-15
178 - Was Sustainability Really the Issue? - 7-2-15
177 - Poverty: Be Careful When Interpreting Statistics! - 6-30-15
176 - Bipartisan Healthcare Fix - 6-28-15
175 - That to Which I Say ... "HUH"! It's all a matter of perspective! - 6-25-15
174 - Poverty: An Elusive Concept! (But only if you want it to be!) - 6-23-15
173 - Senator Franken: Is a Government Program the Only Solution You Can Support? - 6-8-15
172 - An Auditor of Government Shouldn't be Tainted by Politics! - 6-7-15
171 - No Hurricanes? (At some point it's no longer just "luck"!) - 6-7-15
170 - Inappropriate Equivalency! (How did this sort of thinking develop?) - 6-6-15
169 - To Which I Say ...... HUH? - 6-5-15
168 - Facts Matter! (To some folks, anyway!) - 5-31-15
167 - Don't Be Too Hard on "Godly Folds"! (Let me fill in some of the blanks.) - 5-26-15
166 - Polarization Results from Changing Opinions! (but there's more to it than that!) - 6-1-15
165 - Have Conservatives Drastically Changed? That depends on what the meaning of "change" is! - 5-28-15
164 - More Polarization between Conservatives & Liberals-Doesn't this imply one of them has changed opinions? - 5-23-15
163 - 20-20 Hindsight Cuts Both Ways re: Iraq War! - 5-26-15
162 - Foolish Accusations about Amtrak Funding - 5-16-15
161 - Leonard Pitts: Brilliant Article! Then This! - 5-14-15
160 - Ignorance is Bliss! (Yours! Not mine!) - 5-12-15
159 - Improving Higher Education: Is More Money Really the Only Answer? - 5-11-15
158 - Failed Presidency? Let Me Count the Ways! - 5-5-15
157 - More Power to the Executive Branch? (Be careful what you wish for!) - 4-26-15
156 - Living Wage? Fine! (But let's not be stupid!) - 4-21-15
155 - Iran and Congress: It's a chicken and egg thing! - 4-20-15
154 - Will the Real Leonard Pitts Pleast Stand Up! - 4-17-15
153 - E.J. Dionne: Our Polarization is Asymmetrical! ...... What is That? - 4-13-15
152 - Iran, Appeasement, Neville Chamberlain - It Gets Confusing! - 4-7-15
151 - Religious Freedom, Indiana, Bill Clinton, Chuck Schumer - It's All Mixed Up! - 3-31-15
150 - Iran Agreement: Liberal Letter Writer is Confused! - 3-26 and 4-2-15
149a - Good Friday: In Seven Good Words-by Stuart Epperson, Jr. - 4-3-15
148 - Obama Wants Mandatory Citizen Voting! But is that Really What He's After?
147 - Officer Wilson: Innocent? or Just Not Guilty? - 3-22-15
146 - Unhelpful? Probably! But Treason? Certainly NOT! - 3-15-15
145 - From E.J. Dionne: Let's make voting an obligation of citizenship! (But how about that "voter ID" thing?) - 3-11-15
144 - Healthcare Reform: Yes! A successful free market framework is possible! - 3-8-15
143 - Government Doesn't Work Like Business! Mostly True, but There's One Thing That Would Help! - 3-7-15
142 - E.J. Dionne Moves the ObamaCare Goal Line - then Claims Success! - 3-5-15
141 - Lowering the Retirement Age: Would that be good policy...all things considered? - 3-1-15
140 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The real story! - 3-2-15
139 - Obama: The Sum of Many Parts! - 2-27-15
138 - Obama Wants to Limit Charitable Deductions: It's a choice between charities and government!-2-20-15
137 - The Abortion Debate is about the Definition of Life! - 2-15-15
136 - "Anti-Republican" Should Stick to the Facts! 2-13-15
135 - Netanyahu Agrees to Address Congress: Some Politics but Mostly Survival! - 2-12-15
134 - In Blind Defense of Obama - 2-9-15
133 - Climate Change Skeptics are Entitled to an Opinion - 2-9-15
132 - A Choice: Let the Government Do It ...... or Give Private Enterprise the Opportunity! - 2-3-15
131 - Non Citizen Voting Rights: The Suffrage Issue of our Time! (You must be kidding!) - 1-31-15
130 - Housing and the ACA! You'd Better Look Again! - 1-30-15
129 - Leonard Pitts is at it again! He can't respect those who disagree with him! - 1-29-15
128 - Is it OLD CULTURE vs. NEW CULTURE? or Is it OLD CULTURE vs. NO CULTURE? - 1-28-15
127 - What do you mean by "America GOING UP"? - 1-26-15
126 - You Say: The Bible, Santa Claus, and Man-in the-Moon are "Birds of a Feather"! And I Say ... - 1-20-15
125 - Do You Really Prefer Europe - 1-18-15
124 - Interrogation vs. Torture: The Debate Continues - 1-18-15
123 - We're Not Looking for Explanation of Radical Muslim Behavior! Waiting for You  to Reject Those Actions!-1-14-15
122 - Criminalizing Controversial Leadership Decisions: Is it Politics, Tyranny, or ...... BOTH? - 1-13-15
121 - Mr. Pitts: Your "Knife of Justice" Cuts Both Ways! - 1-9-15
120 - Low Gas Prices! But That Doesn't Let Obama Off the Hook! (He had nothing to do with it!) - 1-9-15
119 - The Fort Myers News-Press: Unfair and unbalanced? Not so much! - 1-7-15
118 - The Beat Goes On: Police Brutality! Black Men and Boys Targeted! ...... But where are the facts? - 12-29-14
117 - Is it Really Revenge? You forgot one important motivation! - 12-29-14
116 - Apologize to North Korea? You must be kidding! - 12-27-14
115 - Obama's Promises on Cuba! Promises aren't PROMISES! - 12-23-14
114 - Does It Hurt? or Are You Scared? - Let's define Acceptable Interrogation Techniques - 12-21-14
113a - I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day......God is Not Dead nor Doth He Sleep - 12-25-14
112 - Some Politicians Opposing Enhanced Interrogation Techniques Are Just Covering Their Butts! - 12-21-14
111 - Affordable Care Act: Is Gruber really just a distraction? - 12-16-14
110 - Ferguson and the Senate Report on Torture: Some interesting comparisons! - 12-11-14
109 - A Brutal Lesson in Government Math! - 3 minus 1 equals 3 ...... SOMEHOW?! - 12-10-14
108 - Bad White Cops! That's the Charge! That's ALWAYS the Charge! - 12-9-14
107 - Who Gets to Say When It's Time to Die? "Zeke" and his dismissive attitude about "old folks" IS BACK! - 12-7-14
106 - Divided We Stand: Reflections on my reaction to "Ferguson." - 12-5-14
105 - Accountability in Ferguson: All mixed up! - 11-28-14
104 - The U.S. Constitution: America's Pivot Foot? or Do "good intentions" trump the Constitution? - 11-25-14
103 - Obama: He's not being all that he can be! - 11-23-14
102 - Is ObamaCare Really Any Good? It depends on who you ask! - 11-14-14
101 - What's the Message? Listen to Non-voters! vs. A Republican Mandate! - Here's the message I'm getting! - 11-9-14
100 - A Silver Bullet for Eliminating Taxes and the IRS ......  and Rich People: A Liberal's Solution! - 11-8-14
99 - So You Want to Repatriate Foreign Earnings? - What then? That's when the fight begins! - 11-7-14
98 - Paul Krugman: That's somebody we should be listening to! ... (Surely you jest!) - 11-5-14
97 - Canceling Midterm Elections? It's all about whose ox is being gored! - 11-5-14
96 - Irreconcilable Differences! - (But I repeat myself!) - 10-31-14
95 - An Example of Some  Progressive's Thirst for Control! - 10-27-14
94 - 6 1/2 Things that would Calm the Market! and There are MORE! - 10-26-14
93 - Irreconcilable Differences! - 10-24-14
92 - Those Pesky "Pro-LIfers"! Just Maybe They are Sincere! and Just Maybe They are Right! - 10-23-14
91 - Inequality by Design! - 10-20-14
90 - An Incredible Theory about Reducing Financial Inequality! - 10-16-14
89 - Don't Get Confused About Meaning of Helping Others!-A HUGE difference between Liberals & Conservatives!-10-12-14
88 - Elizabeth Warren on Student Loans and The Minimum Wage! - 10-12-14
87 - The Euphoria is Palpable! But Important Employment Stats are NOT Improving! - 10-5-14
86 - History Curriculum Changes Can Become Reverse Censorship - That's Censorship Too! - 10-2-14
85 - Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Address to the United Nations General Assembly - 9-30-14
84 - Climate Change Zealots Have Created a Religion! - 9-25-14
83 - Is Military Recruiting a Sign of Cruelty, Revenge, Retaliation, or Moral Decay? - 9-25-14
82 - Our Military in the Mideast: What's the Point? - 9-24-14
81 - Renewable Energy: Dreams are fine, but goals must be achievable! - 9-23-14
80 - The Myth of Obama's Success! Let Me Count the Ways! - 9-16-14
79 - Capital Punishment in the U.S. vs. ISIL Beheadings! Are They Morally Equivalent? - 9-15-14
78 - Would You Risk the Security of the U.S. on ... A Dose of Pepto O-Bismol? - 9-14-14
77 - Sad Commentary on Our Political Divide! - 9-13-14
76 - The Millstones Around our Neck! - 9-12-14
75 - ISIL not a threat? Sounds familiar! Remember 9-11! - 9-11-14
74 - ISIL - A coalition is there and waiting for us! - 9-8-14
73 - Refusing to Recognize Real Evil is Destructive and Morally Reprehensible! - 8-27-14
72 - Rallying Against Low-Information Writers! - 8-24-14
71 - God Given Gifts! How can you confuse "hubris" with "humility"? - 8-23-14
70 - Obama Disciple: Hamas and Republican Leadership are Equivalent! - 8-23-14
69 - A Bitter Golfer: Is his enemy the TEE party or the TEA Party? - 8-22-14
68 - Leonard Pitts Jr.:A Genius Who Doesn't Understand White People! - 8-21-14
67 - Corporate Tax Reform: Reject Complexity and seek an easy solution! - 8-19-14
66 - Israel Isn't Fighting a War of Public Opinion! It's Fighting a War for Survival! - 8-15-14
65 - Why Would the U.S. House of Representatives Sue the Obama Administration? - 8-11-14
64 - Re: Corporate Tax Policy - Remove the negative incentives! Don't just send in the tax collector! - 8-7-14
63 - Slow, Cautious, and Collaborative: Not Successful in Recent Foreign Policy! - 8-5-14
62 - In a Nasty World, A Passive President Guarantees a Diminished United States! - 8-1-14
61 - Paul Krugman - Re: Corporate "Personhood" and Corporate Taxes - He's Worried about the Wrong Things! - 7-30-14
60 - The Debt Ceiling vs. the Budget: It's a "Chicken or Egg" Thing! - 7-28-14
59 - ObamaCare: Are Conservatives Desperately in Need of a "TYPO"? - 7-28-14
58 - Elections are Coming Soon! There are some things we should contemplate! - 7-24-14
57 - Newspapers and Letter Writers Sometimes Magnify Polarization and Hate - 7-21-14
56 - Implication of Hobby Lobby: Get rid of employer based health insurance! - 7-18-14
55 - Political Opinions Change: There's been movement - But by whom and from what? - 7-14-14
54 - ObamaCare: Just move the goalposts and declare victory! - 7-14-14
53 - Slavery Written Into the Constitution? What's That About? - 7-8-14
52 - Hobby Lobby Isn't About Contraception! It's About the Definition of Human Life and Abortion! - 7-6-14
51 - Run of the Mill Status for the United States! Is That What We Want? - 7-5-14
50 - Don't Permit Control of Thoughts and Opinions! - 6-30-14
49 - Debate About the Source of the 97 Percent Consensus: There's been some confusion! - 6-20-14
48 - Climate Change and Carbon Pollution: Where does the 97 percent consensus come from? - 6-16-14
47 - ACA Lives Up to Name in Florida! But What's the Real News Here? - 6-23-14
46 - 74 School Shootings since Sandy Hook? Is That Possible? - 6-15-14
45 - CO2: There's Surprisingly Little of It! That Fact Should Encourage at Least Some Skepticism! - 6-11-14
44 - Climate Change: Easy Solutions from Uninformed Observers! Wisdom Demands Skepticism! - 6-3-14
43 - We Need a Dose of Minimum Wage Reality! - 6-3-14
42 - Reducing the Burden of Government! Are They Finally Catching On? - 6-2-14
41 - D-Day: Obama Would Wait! and Then He'd Announce the Details - 6-1-14
40 - ObamaCare: Fix vs. Repeal/Replace - Is it a Distriction without a Real Difference - 5-31-14
39 - Trigger Warnings: Critical Thinking or Manipulation? - 5-27-14
38 - Don't Upset Me, Please! - 5-23-14
37 - Physician Shortages: Truth or Fiction? - 5-21-14
36 - Climate Disruption: Real Science Demands Skepticism! - 5-19-14
35 - There's No Wow-Factor With ObamaCare! - 5-14-14
34 - Once Again! An Unnecessary Attempt to Stir Up Racial Division! - 5-15-14
33 - Racial Motives? You Don't Really Know, Do You Mr. Pitts? - 5-6-14
32 - The Truth About the Jobless Rate! Sometimes TRUTH is stranger than FICTION! - 5-3-14
31 - Columbus Day ... Indigenous Peoples Day ... (Could this be an opportunity for the Norwegians?) - 4-29-14
30 - ObamaCare: I'm Amazed that Your're Amazed - 4-28-14
29 - Reduced ObamaCare Costs? It's Not What You Think - or Hope! - 4-23-14
28 - Anti-Abortion Antics Might Be Sincere! - 4-22-14
27 - Should We Exchange Debate for Tyranny? - 4-20-14
26 - ObamaCare: They Keep Moving the Goal Posts! - 4-10-14
25 - What's Important to Know About "RomneyCare"? - 4-7-14
24 - Minimum Wage Policies - Evaluate Them Based on Achievements, Not Just Good Intentions! - 4-7-14
23 - We Need to Get Our Facts Straight about Supply Side Economics! - 4-4-14
22 - ObamaCare Opposition: Not Hatred, Just Common Sense! - 3-29-14
21 - Balancing the Budget, and Paying Down Debt - It's Not ALL About Raising Taxes! - 3-29-14
20 - Re: Gun Control, is this a STRADDLE or an OPINION? - 3-16-14
19 - You Say: Real Experts Don't Tweet or Use Social Networking for Commentary! I Say: You Hush! - 2-29-14 
18 - Contempt Breeds Contempt! (Disagreeing with Leonard Pitts' style) - 2-17-14
17 - Remembering a True Hero: Uncle Forrest L. Willey made a difference! And he's still inspiring other people - 1-24-14
16 - A Hospital and a Surgeon Met a Lady Named Lois - 12-29-13
15 - The Story Behind "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" - by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - December 25, 2013
14 - Who is Stefano Bachovich? Who is John Galt? What has Obama Accomplished? - Mysteries All! - 6-7-13
13 - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the United Nations - 9-23-11
12 - Who is Happy? - by Dennis Prager - 3-2012
11 - Still the Only Solution to the World's Problems - by Dennis Prager - 8-20-11
10 - Netanyahu Addresses the U.S. Congress - 5-25-11
 9 - Origins of the Bible - Lesson 2 - The New Testament Canon - 4-11
 8 - Origins of the Bible - Lesson 1 - The Old Testament Canon - 4-11
7 - Origin of the Trinity - Lesson 4 - "Theologically Correct" Trinitarian Beliefs - An Anti-Trinity Ministry - 4-11
 6 - Origin of the Trinity - Lesson 3 - Developments in the Early Church - The Creeds - Martin Luther - 4-11
 5 - Origin of the Trinity - Lesson 2 - New Testament Passages - 4-11
 4 - Origin of the Trinity - Lesson 1 - Introduction - Old Testament Passages - 4-11
 3 - Food for Thought - Organic Foods Controversy - 5-3-10
 2 - Al-Queda and Taliban - 2-21-10

 1 - Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN - 1-6-10

This section includes the content of numerous Letters to the Editor which I write quite frequently. These generally deal with issues of politics and public policy.   Also, sometimes I have an op-

Letters to the Editor and Short Topics