232-Anchor babies: Is that what Congress intended? - 2-10-25

231-Trump's trolling and other adventures-1-20-25

230 - Presidential elections: stop "tinkering" - 1-10-25

229 - Canceling half of America - 12-9-24

228 - Abraham Accords: Iran's worst fear - 11-18-24

227 - Candidate Harris: A feast for skeptics - 10-27-24

226 - Project 2025 facts: no handbook for tyranny - 10-20-24

225 - Walz's dangerous choice - 9-30-24

224 - E Pluribus Unum: A concept worth keeping - 9-16-24

223 - Democrats can be uncivil too - 8-14-24 

222 - Gaza war isn't about land - 7-3-24

221 - Never Again: My reflections on the Gaza conflict-6-10-24

220 - America in a rut: crimes without punishment - 6-5-24

219 - Common sense border control - 5-14-24

218 - Nikki Haley: a bridge to GOP's future - 3-27-24

217 - Challenging election results - a destructive political weapon - 3-16-24

216 - GOP right to reject bipartisan border bill - 3-2-24

215 - What ideals are we fighting for? - 2-2-24

214 -  Are we "dumbing down" science? - 12-15-23

213 - Enemies in America's supply chain - 11-15-23

​​​212 - "Participation trophies" in math education - 9-28-23

211 - Durham Report: Should we be satisfied? - 7-2-23

210 - Culture wars: short on common sense - 6-6-23

209 - Mass shootings: focus first on soft targets - 4-4-23

208 - Shed your self-righteousness - 2-4-23

207 - Election denial deniers - 1-30-23

206 - Trump: reflections, regrets, and reality - 1-3-22

205 - A Modern day Tower of Babel - 12-14-22

204 - Roe and the mid-term elections - 11-22-22

203 - Political toolbox empty? Try demonizing - democrats recommend it - 11-11-22​​​​​​​​​​​​

202 - Challenging truth and common sense - 11-1-22

201 - Clash of governance rivals: Founders' intent vs. Progressives' challenge - 9-20-22

200 - Education rebates for the privileged (A tax benefit too!) - 9-12-22

199 - The original progressives - 8-14-22

198 - We're not as stupid as they think - 8-8-22

197 - A U.S. tradition: election challenges, political standoffs, and chaos - 8-2-22

196 - Trash the feel-good solutions! There's work to be done! - 5-29-22

195 - Command performances at America's theater of nonsense - 5-24-22

194 - Modern day Tower of Babel - 5-3-22

193 - And the walls came tumbling down! - 5-1-22

192 - January 6-terrible end to a dreadful year - 4-8-22

191 - Iran negotiations and other nonsense - 3-24-22

190 - Opposing evil in our world - 3-21-22

189 - Russia chose its killing fields (Is this the new normal?) - 3-17-21

188 - Potentially the biggest political scandal in U.S. History - 3-3-22

187 - Ukraine matters - 3-2-22

186 - New mandate: Black woman for SCOTUS - 2-16-22

185 - The Biden Doctrine: Muddling Through - 2-9-22

184 - The Gift of Gaffe: What's next? - 2-3-22

183 - Redefining MLK"s legacy diminishes him - 1-26-22

182 - Roe v. Wade: its future hinges on Dobbs v. Jackson - 1-10-22

181 - Crime and (No) Punishment - 12-28-21

180 - Rittenhouse acquittal: a victory for the Rule of Law - 12-15-21

179 - The missing narratives - 11-30-21

178 - Conservatives should establish common ground - 11-18-21

177 - Critical thinking: Is it threatened? - 9-20-21

176 - Afghanistan and terrorism will follow us home - 9-4-21

175 - Serious nonsense in America - 8-24-21

174 - The lexicon of Antiracism and Critical Race Theory - 8-16-21

173 - Safe means never, collective cooperation, and other common sense - 8-10-21

172 - The language of Critical Race Theory - 7-14-21

171 - Critical thinking: Will it be a victim of Critical Race Theory? - 6-18-21

170 - What's wrong with having the right answer? - 3-17-21

169 - Borrowing Obama's Legacy - 3-10-21

168 - Abortion debate: Is common ground within reach? - 3-3-21

167 - If Trump was a dictator, he was a miserable failure - 2-17-21

166 - The mocking disrespect continues - 1-27-21

165 - Twitter: The New Sheriff in Town - 1-20-21

164 - Mobs beget mobs - 1-12-21

163 - Transitions hypocrisy - 1-4-21

162 - Forsake attempts to destroy America's history and identity - 1-4-21

161 - Is it unity they want, or capitulation? - 12-18-20

160 - Rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement? Don't even think about it! - 12-17-20

159 - The inevitable pandemic - 12-1-20

158 - Electoral College: serving us well, and as intended - 11-29-20

157 - Cancel culture amid calls for unity - 11-18-20

156 - Donald Trump: De facto "resistance" leader? - 11-9-20

155 - Why Trump? - 10-27-20

154 - Wise use of COVID stats: you need not forsake all hope - 10-14-20

153 - Pandemic recovery and difficult decisions: but look beyond your front door - 9-6-20

152 - Just the facts Ma'am (and hopefully avoid the cancel culture) - 8-12-20

151 - National museum schools us on "whiteness" - and other puzzling theories - 8-8-20 

150 - "What bothers you most?" he asked - 7-28-20

149 - Riots, statues and cops - 7-23-20

148 - What were they thinking? - Episode 6 - More about the pandemic - 7-1-20

147 - "Those who control the present, control the past" (from George Orwell's 1984) - 6-15-20

146 - Need for Law Enforcement Reform? Yes, But There's So Much More! - 6-9-20

145 - What were they thinking - Episode 5 - Pandemic Edition - 5-22-20

144 - Let's pause to think about some things - 4-17-20

143 - We're all in this together - except for the resistance - 4-3-20

142 - Pandemic During a Presidential Campaign: It's a Perfect Storm - 3-27-20

141 - The Power of the Pen: Who Should Determine the Truth? - 3-12-20

140 - What Were They Thinking? - Episode Four - 3-9-20

139 - BP Oil Spill: A Different Twist - 3-5-20

138 - Trump Impeachment: Let's Wrap It Up - 2-21-20

137 - What Were They Thinking? - Episode Three - 1-31-20

136 - "Dump Trump" Was Doomed from the Start - 2-7-20

135 - Iran's Provocations and the Patience of Trump - 1-24-20

134 - The United States vs. Iran Merry-go-round - 1-16-20

133 - E Pluribus Unum and Other Fantasies - 1-9-20

132 - What Were They Thinking? - Episode Two - 1-2-20

131 - Impeachment Fits the Script - 12-31-19

130 - Obstacles to Removing Trump: Those Pesky Rules of Evidence, Due Process, and Reasonable Doubt - 12-10-19

129 - What Were They Thinking? - 12-5-19

128 - Impeachment Hearings: A Fascinating Rorschach Test - 11-26-19 

127 - U.S. Syria Policy: A Matter of Opinion - 11-5-19

126 - Random Thoughts and Quotes - 10-30-19

125 - You've Got to be Kidding! - 8-19-19

124 - And You Think Trump Spews Hatred and Incites Violence - 8-5-19

123 - Iran Nuclear Deal: Not a Treaty, More Like a Blank Piece of Paper - 7-16-19

122 - College Education: Is It a "Right" or Just a "Good Thing"? - 7-7-19

121 - Mueller Report: Muddled, Mushy, and More Unanswered Questions - 6-4-19

120 - Trump, Mueller, Barr: Important Questions for Many Americans - 5-31-19

119 - I'm Still Wondering About Some Stuff - 5-9-19

118 - I've Been Wondering - 4-23-19

117 - Full-term Abortions ...... and Perhaps Beyond? - 2-5-19

116 - Syria and Saudi Arabia: Tough Choices Required - 1-14-19

115 - The Power of the Pen: But Who Determines the Truth? - 11-27-18

114 - Trump is Forcing the Birthright Citizenship Issue - and That's a Good Thing - 11-6-18

113 - More Random Thoughts - from "Monkey Business" to "the Pope" to "Peaceful Expletives" - 11-24-18

112 - Abortion Has Polarized America - 10-16-18

111 - More Random Thoughts - from Kavanaugh to the Border Wall to Plastic Straws - 10-11-18

110 - The Plot to Destroy Brett Kavanaugh - 9-30-18

109 - More Random Thoughts - 8-25-18

108 - European Union's Inevitable Break-up: Why Brexit Makes Sense - 7-15-18

107 -  Is This Trump's "Catch 22"? - 7-3-18​​

106 - Immigration: "What Is?" and "What Isn't?" - 7-2-18

105 - Opposing Abortions: Not Deception, Just Common Sense! - 6-10-18

104 - The Nuclear Agreement: Pretend National Security 5-22-18

103 - Do White People Dare to Have a Black Hero Like MLK? - 5-7-18

102 - Don't Let the Kids Down Again! - April 10, 2018

101 - My Pro-life Stance and Planned Parenthood - 3-20-18

100 - Mass Shootings: Finding Common Ground! - 3-5-18

99 - Xenophobes: Let's Take a Quiz! (Inspired by Larry Elder) - 3-2-18

98 - Clashes with Martin Luther King's Legacy - But Not What You May Think! - 2-5-18

97 - Marsha, Marsha, Marsha - 1-1-18

96 - Support for Assimilation Doesn't Reject Diversity - 12-10-17

95 - Guns and Violence: More Than a Rules and Regulations Problem! - 11-14-17

94 - Gun Violence: Scrap All the "Feel-Good" Solutions! - 10-25-17

93 - Bashing Trump: Enough Shame to Go Around! - 8-24-17

92 - Understanding Support for Trump: It's All About Unacceptable Alternatives - 8-10-17 

91 - Earmarks: Are They a Problem or a Solution? - 5-12-17

90 - Is It New Culture? Or Is It No Culture? - 5-14-17

89 - Assimilation  and the Rule of Law - 3-24-17

88 - Diversity, Identity Politics, and E Pluribus Unum - 3-3-17

87 - Election Results: A Whole Bunch of Folks Are "Fed Up"! - 11-26-16

86 - $400,000,000 and Four U.S. Hostages: They are "Joined at the Hip"!

85 - FBI Director James Comey: Is He Dumb Like a Fox? You Decide! - 7-26-16

84 - Trump Is In! If You Must, Swish, Rinse ......  Then Jump On Board! It Could Be Quite a Ride! - 7-23-16

83 - The Court, Like the Country, Needs Balance - 2-18-16

82 - Are We Playing a New Game? One Called ...... "Pretend National Security?" - 1-18-16
81 - Obama and Trump: Two Similar Peas from Very Different Pods! - 1-2-16
80 - Republican Survivors - Update: I'm Still Out on a Limb! - 12-16-15
79 - Gun Control: A Very Different Perspective - 9-27-15

78 - Ted Cruz: He's Filling a Void! A Void Created by the Establishment Itself! - 9-22-15
77 - Republican Survivors: "And Then There Were Five" - I'm Going Out on a Limb - 9-20-15
76 - The Nuclear Deal with Iran: Are We Outsourcing the Security of the United States? - 8-21-15
75 - Will the Real Margaret Sanger Please Stand Up! - 8-17-15
74 - Responses to the President's Arguments for the Nuclear Deal - BY Dennis Prager 8-11-15 - Posted by SB on 8-15-15
73 - The Face of Evil in our World! Radical Islamic Terrorism! What Must Be Done! - Part Two - 2-12-15
72 - The Face of Evil in our World! Radical Islamic Terrorism! What Must Be Done! - Part One - 2-8-15
71 - Torture is Vaguely Defined: Memories fade, imaginations sharpen, politicians cover their butts - find definition!-12-20-24
70 - Few interests, fewer friends in Middle East! - by Victor Davis Hanson - Reprinted here -9-15-14

69 - Obama's Foreign Policy: Counterintuitive, and Dangerous! Part Two - 9-6-14
68 - Obama's Foreign Policy: Counterintuitive, and Dangerous! Part One - 9-4-14
67 - Our Passive President! - 8-5-14
66 - The Obama Doctrine: Leading from (the) behind - or perhaps from the closet! Part Two - 7-18-14
65 - The Obama Doctrine: Leading from (the) behind - or perhaps from the closet! Part One - 7-15-14
64 - Reagan? He Delivered an Easter/Passover Message About Pride & World Leadership! Obama? He Mails It In! - 4-19-14
63 - Marco Rubio Destroys Tom Harkin in Senate Debate about Cuba (reproduced and presented here) - 3-5-14
62 - From Hope to Despair! And back to Hope Again! With lots of stops along the way! - 1-19-14
61 - I Wonder if NSA Has Any Spicy Phone Calls Between Bill Clinton and Angela Merkel? HMMMM?? - 12-15-13
60 - Political Conflict and Disagreement: Why is Compromise Difficult-even Impossible? Is it Inevitable - 10-30-13
59 - Franklin Delano Obama ... The BIG power grab during the debt debate! - 10-22-13
58 - Franklin Delano Obama ... FDR and BHO - were they actually separated at birth? - 10-18-13
57 - Neil Cavuto:Mr. President, Fox News isn't the Problem, You Are!-That smell is coming from your healthcare law!-10-7-13
56 - The Artful Process of Pulling Obama's Cajones Out of the Fire! But Why? Vladimir Putin's top 25 1/2 reasons! - 9-16-13

55 - The Puzzle that is Immigration Reform - 7-2-13
54 - The 2nd Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms, and Gun Control: Where do we go from here? - 6-1-13
53 - Is the Age of Tyranny Long Gone? Be very, very careful what you believe! - 5-24-13
52 - Stupid Is as Stupid Does! Part 2 - There's a lot of really silly talk about gun control! - 5-16-13
51 - Stupid Is as Stupid Does! Part 1 - There's a lot of really silly talk about gun control! - 5-12-13
50 - If We Can Agree that the Right to Bear Arms is an Unalienable Right, then it Must Follow That ...... -  2-26-13
49 - About Guns - Some History and Information on Terms - 2-21-13
48 - Supporters of Aggressive Gun Control - Turnabout is fair play! - Isn't it? - 2-15-13

47 - The 2nd Amendment and Gun Control - Were the Founders actually thinking about gun control? - 2-7-13
46 - The 2nd Amendment - Enacted 1791 - The Gun Control Issue (What were they thinkin'?) - 2-1-13
45 - Barack Obama - The Master of Disguise and Deception! - 1-14-13
44 - Dr. Thomas Sowell, A Wise Man Indeed! Economist, Educator, Author - 1-7-13
43 - Marching On! We Must Work to Stop Obama's Dangerous Agenda! - Part Two - 11-25-12
42 - Marching On! We Must Work to Stop Obama's Dangerous Agenda! - Part One - 11-18-12
- Charles Krauthammer: The Choice: The Most Important Election Since 1980? - 11-5-12

40 - Paul Ryan - A Safer World and a More Prosperous America Go Hand-in-Hand! - 10-21-12
39 - What Has Obama Accomplished? ...... Who is John Galt? - 10-17-12
38 - The Case Against Obama! Say No to Obama! 30 Reasons and Counting - 9-25-12
37 - Unprecedented Claims of GOP Racism - I Object and You Should Too! - 9-18-12
36 - Mitt Romney: Here is His Side of the Story - 8-31-12
35 - The Case Against Obama! Is That All There Is? What Ever Happened to Hope and Change? - 8-23-12
34 - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the United Nations - September 23, 2011
33 - The "Righteous" Left Sees Demagogues Everywhere but Among Themselves! - 3-14-12
32 - Consider the "Obama Doctrine" - If That Ain't Scary, Nothin' Is! - 3-12-1
31 - The GOP Presidential Campaign and Debates! - Scary and Depressing? Nah! Not to Me! - 3-4-12
30 - There are Four Things that Really Tick Me Off! - 11-15-11
29 - Our Rebellious Founders, The Tea Party, and OWWch! - Three Peas in a Pod? Or Not? - 11-9-11
28 - One Inherent Conflict - Obama vs. Me - Collectivism vs. Individualism - 11-4-11
27 - Chaos and Anarchy - Why is Obama So Comfortable with It? - 11-1-11
26 - No Wonder Obama Thinks He's Special - 9-12-11
25 - Mr. Clarification Meets Mr. Clarity - Obama and Netanyahu - 6-8-11
24 - Israel and the Palestinian Conflict - Some Points to Consider - 6-1-11
23 - Netanyahu Addresses the U.S. Congress - 5-25-11
22 - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Addresses the United Nations - 1-6-10
21 - Conservatives (Wha'zat? Who'zat?) - Hanging Together - 4-26-11
20 - Standing Up to be Counted! - Who/What is the Tea Party? - 4-3-11
19 - The Democrats Are Having a Seizure - a Big One - 1-12-11
18 - It's Time To Stop Beating (Around) The Bush - 12-27-10
17 - Obama, the Comeback Kid? ...... Let's Add Up the Score - 12-24-10
16 - OJT? or Presidency by Trial and Error? - 12-4-10
15 - re-START - 11-28-10
14 - Should It START or Must It Stop? - 11-21-10
13 - Remember When I Wrote ...... ? - 11-6-10
12 - Is That All There Is? - 10-30-10
11 - Barack on the Brink - A Limerick - 10-5-10
10 - A Pledge to America - 9-26-10
 9 - The Mosque Has a Masque - 9-11-10
 8 - More on ObamaSCHTYLE - 9-7-10
 7 - Salvation is the Goal After All! - 8-5-10
 6 - Obama's Dirty Dozen - 7-29-10
 5 - Obama and Alinsky - Soul Mates? ...... or Not? - 7-14-10
 4 - Governing Obama Style - 6-28-10
 3 - Why Is It So Hard to Say? - 5-10-10
 2 - The Easter/Passover "Coincidence" - 3-26-10
 1 - After Less Than a Month ...... - 2-9-09


To access any report, simply CLICK on the report title!

Mallard Fillmore by Bruce Tinsley

Politics - the art of compromise. Not any more! My most recent reports are at the top of the list.

Policy and Political Commentary